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Persuasive Essay Topics On Women'S Issues
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Business Statistics Business in Medical Sector
Question: Portray about the Business Statistics for Business in Medical Sector. Answer: Presentation The business in clinical part has encountered an extreme move in the collaboration of the individuals with the headway in innovation and online networking promoting. Additionally, with approach of PCs, web based business just as web has influenced the media innovation while having an effect by and by and in future. Web-based social networking advertising is one of the new idea presented in clinical the travel industry dependent on the way that the clients in quest for medicines are voyaging. Be that as it may, web based life promoting will give clients a base on their interest, instruction and clinical level training to where they can get best of offices (Hall, 2013). Exploration Aims and Motivation of the Project The exploration point of the examination features the planned of clinical the travel industry in India with uncommon reference to Chennai that has not exclusively been viewed as a center for clinical voyagers yet additionally consolidates internet based life showcasing as one of the device in increasing upper hand for India to develop trust and dedication of global patients (Babu Gade, 2014). In addition, it is portrayed that traditional the travel industry has gotten a result in the ascent of clinical the travel industry with accentuated privatization of human services in quickened globalization with the adjustment in innovation of utilizing online life advertising as a method of advancement (Holden, 2016). Exploration Objectives The exploration destinations that that helps motel breaking down the whole investigation can be given as: To assess the job of clinical the travel industry in India dependent via web-based networking media advertising with exceptional reference to Chennai. To research the essentialness of impact of web based life advertising on clinical the travel industry in India particularly in setting to Chennai. To examine and consider the manners by which web based life advertising increases the value of clients by giving goal to clinical the travel industry To propose the potential suggestions that can improve the strategies for internet based life promoting in Indias clinical the travel industry. Exploration Questions The inquiries that administer the exploration can be given as: What is the job of clinical the travel industry in India dependent via web-based networking media promoting with uncommon reference to Chennai? What is the centrality of impact via web-based networking media showcasing on clinical the travel industry in India particularly in setting to Chennai? How internet based life promoting increases the value of clients by giving goal to clinical the travel industry? What are the potential recommendations to improve the techniques for online networking promoting in clinical the travel industry of India? Foundation of the Study India has the sprouting human services part and is based on the solid establishment of vigorous development through the ascent in per capita salary, mindfulness about dangers, cost viability and the reception of internet based life promoting. Internet based life advertising is one of the methodology conceived by India, which is utilized to spread data in giving successful reaction to address client issues just as complaints as well as to connect with clients to impact clients choice examples dependent on the underlying mindfulness made (Devi, 2012). Be that as it may while taking in thought, the impacts of web based life advertising in India and particularly in Chennai, it has been seen that Chennai has been one of the center point of clinical the travel industry. Chennai has been called to be Indias wellbeing capital on the grounds that the nature of emergency clinics just as specialists. In any case, the state pulls in 45% of the all out outside clinical vacationers originating fro m abroad for treatment to such an extent that with emergency clinics, the lodgings, visitor houses and resorts as a team with the medical clinics (Kumar Raj, 2015). Writing Review Clinical the travel industry is a blossoming area in India. It was evaluated to be a US$3 Billion clinical part in October 2015, with a development projection of US$ 7-8 Billion by 2020. In contrast with created nations, India gives world-class medicinal services offices at a much lower cost. India is the main nation that gives best in class human services administrations and highest caliber of all clinical the travel industry goals at standard with first world nations at one tenth expense of the administrations gave by its US partner, as cited by the Medical Tourism Report of 2015 (Sharma, Sharma Padroo, 2016). After the US and the UK being the biggest source nations for clinical the travel industry in India, presently the Bangladeshis and the Afghans represented 30 percent of remote patients during October 2015. An extreme move has been seen over the most recent 40 years on how individuals lead business activities after the presentation of PCs, Internet, and online business strategies. Web based life is broadly mainstream among the young people of the nation just as the simple UIs have permitted individuals from the past ages to likewise become accustomed to this type of showcasing (Van Dijck, 2013). Individuals are social ordinarily and the data they accumulate from such mediums is significant. Internet based life is here to state and there is no alternative to pick it any longer. Probably the greatest change Indias human services segments is encountering is the adjustment in the clients viewpoint about social insurance administrations with the commencement of cutting edge computerized mediums (Dawn Pal, 2011). Today with the innovative sharpness of clients, they have all the fundamental data at the palm of their hands with simple access to the perspectives and assessments of others for spe edy surveys and information about sicknesses and disease. Web based life is the opening for advertisers to draw in and carefully associate with clients (Gregson et al., 2015). The city of Chennai is frequently called the social insurance capital of India. It is assessed that the Super and Multi-Specialty emergency clinics ordinary acquire around 150 patients over the city. Chennai charms around 45 percent of remote travelers showing up in the nation with 200 outside patients ordinary searching for fantastic wellbeing offices at expendable costs and records for 30 percent of residential wellbeing sightseers (Debata, 2013). The patients from different nations just as from various states from India are assessed of 12,500 beds in the city as residential populace just enslaves half of them. The creation of paramedics just as the most extreme number of specialists and paramedics in the nation is finished by the state. The legislature has plans to start a medicity, which will have an open and private stake in its activities with a dream to extend the extent of clinical the travel industry by 2020. Inferable from the administration backing and endorses of the two emergency clinics and capricious clinical practices has made the express the most favored goal for medicinal services the travel industry (Chakravarthi, 2011). In Chennai, the utilization of web based life as a showcasing device and a stage for clients to assemble data has changed the medicinal services industry of the state. It fits the patients way of life to join viable systems. For instance: there are different applications for patients where he/she is determined to have a clinical issue/condition, and the patient themselves can investigate about the disease through online gatherings to be all around educated about their own condition. Different clients can help the online network by posting important substance and considerations by driving clinical masters and specialists. Patients can likewise ask about the pertinent expenses and weigh out different choices, which can prompt moderate clinical consideration and medicines through a review online without anyone else. It assists clients with depending on shared sentiments and audits to help make up their brains without speaking with the medical clinic concerned (Shore, 2012). Subsequently , emergency clinics take care in giving the best clinical administrations to patients so as to keep a positive rating in the online world to draw in more clients, this implies the medical clinics consistently need to up their game so as to not to lose client base. Obviously, for brands and advertisers in the human services industry, the street ahead is smooth and stacked with circumstances and difficulties. Selection of internet based life channels by the social insurance industry in India is the initial step to speak with their clients in a more straightforward and sincere manner by which the principle thought process is to take a stab at the best client experience for both, the local populace just as our global visitors (KM DSouza, 2012). The web based life models help give farsightedness to boost successful client commitment, empowers examination and bits of knowledge to the most up to date advances on relative reason for the client to concentrate totally upon the significance according to the necessity (Kumar Raj, 2015). Examination Gap The examination hole in the investigation can be featured dependent on the distributed information, as exploration should be led on a huge example that not just covers flow difficulties that the clinical the travel industry holds yet in addition vital zones for future examination into clinical the travel industry and its relationship with internet based life advertising in Chennai. Numerous issues have been raised into more prominent consideration towards therapeutically persuaded travel of outsiders to India looking for gold human services. The exploration comes up short on the proof that India being a creating nation has been confronting part of difficulties whether money related or hierarchical in the human services division. In actuality, while dissecting the heterogeneity in the wellbeing the travel industry business the observational proof is essential to assess the restoratively roused travel in the arrangement of giving wellbeing administrations through online networking show casing (Behrmann Smith, 2010). Exploration Hypothesis The exploration speculation that can add essentialness to the examination can be given as: H0 (Null Hypothesis) Social media promoting has made no impact on clinical the travel industry in Chennai, India. H1 (Alternate Hypothesis) Social media promoting has made huge yet beneficial outcome on clinical the travel industry in Chennai, India. Exploration Design and Methodology Exploration Paradigm The exploration worldview is utilized an apparatus to empower various instruments and strategies to complete the butt-centric
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Upanishads Views Essays - Nondualism, Indian Philosophy
The Upanishads Views The Upanishads sees The Upanishads, were enchanted and theoretical writings. They have impacted Indian strict idea and otherworldly way of thinking just as Buddhism and Jainism. The Upanishads characterize Brahman utilizing how the world it makes. They are the premise of old style ways of thinking, which is known as Vedanta. As per Vedanta (The Upanishads) there are two distinct perspectives which recognize Brahman. 1) Theistic Vedanta and 2) Advaita Vedanta. Initially, Theistic Vedanta is something that has to do with god. It clarifies that Brahman is to a greater degree an individual god. Brahman is supposed to be not absolutely indistinguishable from everything, except everything is a piece of Brahman. The entirety of this hypothesis is called emarationism. So with this view we can say that there is one god whom is the maker of all being and universe. Furthermore, everything is a piece of this god. Besides, the Advaita Vedanta, Brahman resembles an indifferent power. Progressively like a monistic view, which implies that there is just a single reality. It says that Brahman is the main thing that can exist . Everything else is a fantasy. Here there is an endless non-double awareness. Everything is only these cognizance misperceived fantasies. I think both about these perspectives face issues. First the Theistic Vedanta; In this view Brahman is distinguished as one god which made everything. Anyway I think there is a missing point in this definition. It says there is just a single god and it's not indistinguishable from anything, yet all thing are a piece of Brahman. As I would see it the idea of being one god, one maker is a preeminent thing, god is above everyone and anything. I don't imagine that since he made everything that everything must be part from him. To recognize god I feel that all that is expected to done is to watch the things he made for instance, a straightforward cell of a plant or human, and, after its all said and done one can see it's unending supreme force and these things fundamentally don't need to be parts structure Brahman. Besides, The Advaita Vedanta in this view god is viewed as a power. It is neither present nor not existing. It says that it's the main thing that exists among everything. All that we see is a fa?ade and keeping in mind that attempting to comprehend god one ought to recollect that nothing we do or see even our selves is only the hallucination of our awareness. I think in this view the thing I don't comprehend or I see as an issue is that why we can feel , contact anything we can see around us like a table , pencil? . In the event that everything is a deception of our brains misperceived ideas, why there is life and demise . I expect that a deception ought to be a stunt to the natural eye or unbelievable dreams that are believed to be genuine . However, every one of these things are not on the grounds that we can not smell , contact or fell them in the opposite they are impermanent. In the event that we weren't genuine there wouldn't be enduring, neediness and passing however there wou ld be interminable flawlessness. I think the two perspectives are palatable up to a level. They are both the most established perspectives on Indian way of thinking and it has affected numerous religions. For the time that they were rehearsed ( they despite everything are) The appropriate responses they gave were agreeable to the individuals. Anyway today for instance their meaning of god ? Brahman isn't sufficient for m Reasoning Essays
Thursday, August 20, 2020
When You Should Completely Quit Drinking
When You Should Completely Quit Drinking Addiction Coping and Recovery Overcoming Addiction Print When You Should Completely Quit Drinking By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on June 20, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on October 14, 2019 Dreet Production / Getty Images More in Addiction Coping and Recovery Overcoming Addiction Methods and Support Personal Stories Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use If you have been drinking at a level that is considered high-risk or heavy drinking, you may want to consider making a change in your drinking patterns or quit altogether. But which is the best choice for you? Should you try moderating your alcohol consumption, or should you try to quit? Many people do learn to moderate their drinking and are successful in returning to a pattern of low-risk drinking. Just as there are support groups for those trying to quit drinking, there are support groups for those who are trying to cut down or moderate their drinking. When Cutting Back on Drinking Alcohol Does Not Work If you try to cut down but find that you cannot stay within the limits that you set for yourself, it may be best to quit instead. One of the main reasons that people decide to quit drinking and seek help to do so is because they find they have lost the ability to control the amount they drink.?? You are the person who is in the best position to make the decision of whether to cut down or quit. If you can consistently drink one or two drinks and no more, then you may be able to cut down to a low-risk drinking pattern. But if you find that those first two drinks usually trigger an urge for more and you rarely drink only two, chances are moderation is not an option. When You Should Quit Drinking Altogether There are other reasons that quitting drinking may be a better option for you than moderation or cutting down, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). When quitting might be your best option:?? If you have been diagnosed with an alcohol use disorder, or you currently have symptoms of alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence.If you have certain medical conditions, such as cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis C, chronic pain, certain heart conditions, or mental disorders such as bipolar disorder.If you are taking certain medications that can negatively interact with alcohol.If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Other Reasons to Quit If you are planning to make a change in your drinking, it is best if you discuss the decision with your healthcare provider. Your physician may recommend that you quit drinking based on other factors, including:?? A family history of alcoholismYour ageIf you have had alcohol-related injuriesAlcohol-related sleep disturbances or sexual dysfunction Tips to Try to Moderate Your Drinking Make some small adjustments to the way you drink. It may work for you. If it does not, then adjust and try something else. You may be able to get drinking back under your control. Tips to try for moderating your alcohol drinking: Keep track of how much you drink. Make a note in an app or write it down on a piece of paper.Measure out your drinks at home. Drink standard sizes. Ask bartenders to not top off your drink. Do not supersize your drinks.Set goals and decide how many days a week you want to drink and how many drinks you will have on those days. Stick to your goals. If you stumble backward, start over the next day.Space out your drinks. Set a pace to your drinking to not more than one per hour. Sip slowly. Make every other drink a glass of water or soda.Eat food along with your drink. Dont drink on an empty stomach. Food will help your body absorb the alcohol more slowly. Help May Be Needed Whatever your decisionâ€" to cut down or to quit drinkingâ€" there is support available to help you met your goals. If you decide to quit, you may want to seek help. You do not have to do it on your own.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Terms Every Aspiring Journalist Needs to Learn
Journalism, like any profession, has its own set of terms, its own lingo, that any working reporter must know in order to understand what people are talking about in a newsroom and to help produce a great news story. Here then are 10 terms that you should know. Lede The lede is the first sentence of a hard-news story; a succinct summary of the story’s main point. Ledes should typically be a single sentence or no more than 35 to 40 words. The best ledes are ones that highlight the most important, newsworthy and interesting aspects of a news story while leaving out secondary details that can be included later in the story.​ Inverted Pyramid The inverted pyramid is the model used to describe how a news story is structured. It means the heaviest or most important news goes at the top of the story, and the lightest, or least important, goes at the bottom. As you move from the top to the bottom of the story, the information presented should gradually become less important. That way, if an editor needs to cut the story to make it fit a particular space, she can cut from the bottom without losing any vital information. Copy Copy simply refers to the content of a news article. Think of it as another word for content. So when we refer to a copy editor, were talking about someone who edits news stories. Beat A beat is a particular area or topic that a reporter covers. On a typical local newspaper, youll have an array of reporters who cover such beats as the police, courts, city hall and school board. At larger papers, beats can become even more specialized. Papers like The New York Times have reporters who cover national security, the Supreme Court, high-tech industries and health care. Byline The byline is the name of the reporter who writes a news story. Bylines are usually placed at the beginning of an article. Dateline The dateline is the city from which a news story originates. This is usually placed at the start of the article, right after the byline. If a story has both a dateline and a byline, that generally indicates that the reporter who wrote the article was actually in the city named in the dateline. But if a reporter is in, say, New York, and is writing about an event in Chicago, he must choose between having a byline but no dateline, or vice versa. Source A source is anyone you interview for a news story. In most cases, sources are on-the-record, which means they are fully identified, by name and position, in the article for which they have been interviewed. Anonymous source This is a source who does not want to be identified in a news story. Editors generally frown upon using anonymous sources because they are less credible than on-the-record sources, but sometimes anonymous sources are necessary. Attribution Attribution means telling readers where the information in a news story comes from. This is important because reporters dont always have firsthand access to all the information needed for a story; they must rely on sources, such as police, prosecutors or other officials for information. AP Style This refers to Associated Press Style, which is the standardized format and usage for writing news copy. AP Style is followed by most U.S. newspapers and websites. You can learn AP Style for the AP Stylebook.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Prostitution One Of The Oldest Professions - 2249 Words
Prostitution: one of the oldest professions in the history of time. Prostitution developed as society developed; it grew with the increase in social structure, government and religion. Throughout many historic eras and civilizations, prostitution as an institution diversified and grew to become more complex. It took on different roles in the various sectors of society. Prostitution could be seen as having different roles in religious, government, and community sectors. These different roles in society will be examined in the civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia, India, and Greece, and Israel. Prostitution took on an important role in ancient religious times. In many civilizations, including Mesopotamia, India, and Greece, prostitutes†¦show more content†¦There were similar religious trends that took place in Israel, Greece, and India. In Israel, a woman’s vows of purity were governed by the dominant man in her life, whether it be husband or father. If her vows were retracted by her dominating male for any reason, this had detrimental effects on her social standing. She might have to resort to prostitution in this situation, which was accepted as long as her earnings were given to the temple. As in other cultures including Mesopotamia and India, it was customary that supporting temple prostitutes in Israel meant paying tribute to the goddess of fertility. In ancient Babylon and Greece, the goddess of fertility that was most popular to worship and pay homage to was Aphrodite. Mesopotamia, it was a customary crossing-over ritual for women to visit the temple, be selected by a random male, and without having any say in the matter, have sex with said male. The fare the male paid went to the church on behalf of payment to the goddesses. In ancient Babylon and Greece, temple prostitution was used to for religious celebrations as well. Where did all of these prostitutes come from that lived and worked in the temples? Many of them were prisoners of war or slaves, some were gifts to the temples from wealthy men, some were given to the temples by husbands and fathers, and some were born into the institution from prostitute-mothers. In some situations, girls were even recruited from the community for their
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Economic Policy and Practice Free Essays
Economic Policies And Practices ECO2072 / Professor Gordon 4/5/2013 Assignment Due Date – 4/3/2013 Economic Policies And Practices Understanding the foundation for which our economy and society as a whole is built upon, the need for a controlled and managed monetary system to function effectively in order to facilitate trade and stabilize the flow within our economy is a must. To facilitate this need the federal government implements tools for analyzing the economy in order to regulate and control, and decisions are made based on the inputs and observations made to stabilize and enable the money to grow and retract as required within our economic system. Again, based on the aforementioned, the phrase â€Å"money makes the world go around†therefore can be attributed to the controlled systems, policies and/or a networks of our federal government for which are governed to enhance and manage both the levels of and effects of our financial monetary system. We will write a custom essay sample on Economic Policy and Practice or any similar topic only for you Order Now As we proceed, we will attempt to explain various government policy changes or unplanned events which can and may occur, and the resulting economic events or activity that will be impacted within our economy and the effects it has upon and within our economy. Implemented Budget Plan Resulting In Increases In Debt And No Plan For Problems As we look at our Federal Governments role in execution and control of our nation’s budget and the current budget deficit we can only pray that those in charge of the decisions utilize the tools available to them to manage and soften the blow to the economy as the deficit grows. Where in the case our government employs a budget plan over several fiscal years and results wherein our economy sustains significant increases in the nation’s debt and displays no signs of relief nor presents no plans to deal with the problems, several outcomes would be likely in the economy. Mankiw, 2009, Ch. 32, P. 706 describes one effect being where government spending exceeds government revenue thus representing negative public saving, therefore reducing national savings, thus reducing the supply of loanable funds, Increasing interest rates, and crowds out investment. Amadeo, 2013 shares additional effects of this scenario wherein the deficit adds to a country’s debt each year and as the debt increases and the interest on the debt must be paid, it increases spending while adding no benefit to the economy. If the interest payments continue to rise, it can begin to create a drag on the economy’s growth. Mankiw, 2009, Ch. 32, P. 706 states additional effects in that when budget deficits raise interest rates, both domestic as well as foreign behaviors cause U. S. net capital outflow to fall. Therefore, in an open economy, our government’s budget deficit raises the economy’s real interest rates, thus crowding out domestic investment, and causing the currency to appreciate, consequently pushing the trade balance toward deficit. Enactment Of New Tariffs And Quotas On All Imports The economy uses a model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply as a means to analyze the economic fluctuations of supply and demand. This model depicts both the overall price levels in the economy and the overall quantity of goods and services produced in the economy. If in fact the Federal Government were to enact new tariffs and quotas on all imports, the economy would indeed experience effects from this activity. Mankiw, 2009, Ch. 33, P. 725-726 describes the model of aggregate demand and supply being what most economist use to explain short-run fluctuations in economic activity around the long-run trend. The aggregate demand curve displays the quantity of goods and services for which households, firms, the government, and customers abroad want to buy at each price level. The aggregate supply curve shows the quantity of goods and services that firms choose to produce and sell at each price level. The impact the economy would incur in the case of tariffs enacted being taxes imposed on imported goods is the increase of the price of the goods in the domestic market, therefore domestic producers benefit due to they receive higher prices, the government benefits through the collection of tax revenues thus resulting in less goods produced and the consumer pays higher prices (Investopedia, 2013). In the case of quotas and their effect on the economy, we find that quotas are numerical limits which are imposed on imported goods and in such a case of enactment consumers are truly harmed by the quotas while domestic and foreign producers will benefit once again by receiving higher prices for goods and services (Investopedia, 2013). Loss Of Confidence In Leadership In Ability To Manage And Create Jobs The Federal government is the entity that steps in when our economy incurs unhealthy conditions within its business cycle. It is presumed that our government has tools to detect and analyze our economy to understand those events that have the potential to alter the economy’s equilibrium. With respect to the aforementioned, problems arise when the general public loses confidence in the leadership and their ability to manage the economy to include job creation. Mankiw, 2009, Ch. 33, P. 741 shares, that in the scenario of lack of confidence we find that consumers again alter their plans for the future cutting back on purchases and spending. The effect of this cutback impacts the aggregate demand curve as well as the aggregate supply curve thus impacting either the short-run equilibrium and/or the long-run equilibrium. The consequences result in falling incomes and rising unemployment due to reduction of output mirroring the shift in aggregate demand responding to lower sales and production. Amadeo, 2013 states; â€Å"consumers who drive 70% of the economy won’t spend if they don’t believe the future will be safe and secure. Therefore, the underlying role of the government is to create confidence, powering the economic growth needed to create jobs†. Decrease Taxes In Effort To Stimulate The Economy Another tool within our government and its fiscal policy to regulate and control economic growth is the taxation level. Some claim that, tax rate cuts can lead to increased economic growth, and wealth, while others claim that by reducing taxes correlates to the benefiting of the wealthy due to they pay the most taxes already. Our government possesses the powers to tax which in turn gives it greater control over its revenues. Mankiw, 2009, Ch. 34, P. 773 shares, that when our government reduces personal income taxes, it increases the take-home pay of consumers. These households will save some of this additional income, and will also spend some of it on goods and services. Because reducing taxes increases consumer spending thus stimulating the economy, the tax cut shifts the aggregate-demand curve to the right. Conversely, a tax increase represses consumer spending and shifts the aggregate-demand curve to the left. The greater question lies in ‘what is the impact in our economy of a tax reduction for those making over $250,000’? Amadeo, 2013 shares that, the government considers those families that earn more than $250,000 yearly are wealthy and therefore should pay more taxes due to their ability to afford it. Amadeo, 2013 continues by stating that, economist say they do not spend these tax cuts, but save and invest them and therefore tax cuts for the wealth do not stimulate the economy. Investment Level’s Decrease Due To Lack Of Confidence In Economy The economy revolves around the ability of consumers to invest their moneys in goods and services or deposit ones excess money into interest bearing savings accounts wherein which the financial institutions would use the funds to make loans to consumers for the purpose of investing in personal interests. The ability to invest is crucial to the long-run of our economy’s success and the functions of aggregate demand and supply and when these levels of investment decrease due to a lack of confidence in the economy several consequences begin to unfold in the economy. Mankiw, 2009, Ch. 33, P. 41 shares that, during such an event many people lose confidence in the future and alter their plans, therefore households cut back on their spending and refrain from major purchases, and businesses retract from the purchases of new equipment. AmosWeb, 2013 states; â€Å"the confidence that consumers have in the economy affects their willingness to undertake consumption expenditures†. A ny change in the confidence of consumers wherein by changing consumption expenditures, will induce changes in the economy’s aggregate demand therefore causing a leftward shift of the demand curve. Interest Rates Kept Artificially Low By Fed’s For Several Years The economy revolves around the interest rates on the many investments of the consumers and plays a crucial part in the spending on goods and services. The impact on the economy can be said to be two fold in the event that interest rates are kept artificially low by the Federal Reserve over a lengthy period of time. Mankiw, 2009, Ch. 33, P. 728 states that, interest rates affect spending on goods and services, therefore a lower interest rate makes borrowing less expensive and it encourages businesses to borrow to invest in operations and equipment as well as it encourages consumers to borrow to invest in self and home. This said, lower interest rates increase the quantity of goods and services in the economy. Conversely, Shilling, 2012 shares that artificially lower interest rates can have negative impacts on consumers in where those who are saving money are now receiving minimal to little return on their bank and money market accounts. Additionally, the day of the free checking accounts are fading away as well as banks and thrifts who deal with the lower interest earnings are increasing the amounts of required balances on checking accounts that pay zero interest up to a set minimum. It is also noted that many savers are leaving the money markets funds for the protection of accounts covered by the Federal deposit insurance corp. which is displayed in the M2 velocity of money. Conclusion Based on the aforementioned and the understanding of the foundation for which our economy and society as a whole is built upon, the need for a controlled and managed economic system to function effectively in order to facilitate trade and stabilize the flow within our economy is a must. To facilitate this need, the federal government implements policies and practices within the economy in order to regulate and control, and base decisions on those inputs and observations in order to stabilize and enable the money to grow and retract as required within our economic system to maintain a balanced equilibrium. Again, based on the aforementioned, the phrase â€Å"money makes the world go around†therefore can be attributed to the controlled systems, policies and/or networks of our federal government for which are governed to enhance and manage both the levels of and effects of our financial monetary system. Reference Amadeo, K. (2013). Budget deficit. U. S. Economy, Retrieved from http://useconomy. about. com/od/glossary/g/Budget_Deficit. htm Amadeo, K. (2013). Job creation – statistics, ideas, and job creation by president. U. S. Economy, Retrieved from http://useconomy. about. com/od/Employment/tp/Job-Creation. htm Amadeo, K. (2013). Should families making over $250,000 a year get tax cuts? President George Bush Tax cuts, Retrieved from http://useconomy. about. com/u/ua/usfederaltaxesandtax/Tax-Cuts-Should-The-Wealthy-Get-Tax-Cuts. htm AmosWeb. (2013). Consumer confidence, aggregate demand How to cite Economic Policy and Practice, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Changes in Architecture throughout history free essay sample
Architecture is the art and science of designing and building shelter for various human activities by enclosing space. At its best, it is a major art form that combines usefulness with beauty. When designing a building, the architect considers the structural system and materials to be used, the purpose of the building, and the size, shape, location, and contours of the site. He or she must also understand the working or living patterns of the people who will occupy or use the building.  Architecture may be religious, domestic, governmental, commercial, or industrial. It expresses the interests and ideals of a civilization, and reflects the ways of living and the construction methods of the era in which it was produced. The Christian religion became a dominant influence in medieval Europe and is expressed in the Gothic cathedrals. High-rise office buildings reflect the importance of business of 20th-century life (Squire, 2003). Architecture has been influenced not only by religious, political, social, and economic conditions, but also by the climate and available building materials of a region, and by inventions and scientific discoveries. In far northern lands of forests, heavy snow, and little sunlight, for instance, wooden structures with steeply sloping roofs and many windows became common. In southern lands where wood is scarce and there is little rain and much sunlight, buildings were often made of sun-dried brick, with flat roofs and only a few small windows. With the technological advances of the 20th century, regional differences in architecture became less obvious (Musgrove, 2000). The importance of climate and natural resources diminished with improved methods of transportation and with improved heating ventilation. Architectural styles differ in structural methods, building materials, and surface ornamentation. Three principles of building have governed architectural styleâ€â€post and lintel, the arch, and the cantilever. The purposes of this paper are to understand and have an in-depth study on the changes in architecture throughout time. II. Background A. The Renaissance The Renaissance period in architecture began in Italy in the 15th century. By the end of the 16th century, Renaissance architecture had spread throughout Western Europe. Although it was inspired by Roman architectural forms, Byzantine and Gothic construction methods were used and improved on. The Renaissance movement developed in each country along national lines. There were several common characteristics, however. The Romans orders of architecture and the round arch were reintroduced and used for both structural and ornamental purposes. A major concern of renaissance architects was the external effect of a building. Horizontal lines and the symmetrical arrangement of windows and doors emphasized balance and serenity. The dome, raised on a drum, became a prominent feature. Church building continued, but there was more emphasis on the construction of houses and civic buildings (Caudill, 2001). Emphasis on the importance of the individual was a major aspect of the Renaissance period. For the first time, individual architects were recognized and honored. III. Discussion A. Prehistoric Architecture Early humans had neither time nor skill to do more than meet the basic need for shelter. Some people found shelter in caves. Others built simple windbreaks or made crude huts of woven reeds plastered with mud. As communities were established, people built large stone structures called megaliths, such as Stonehenge in England. Dolmens, megaliths thought to have served as tombs, consist of several upright stone slabs supporting a horizontal slab.  Although megaliths do not entirely enclose space, they represent beginnings of what might be called architectural thinking (Salvadori, 2002). They are the simplest examples of the earliest known principle of buildingâ€â€the post and lintel. B. Ancient Architecture Egypt. Post and lintel construction was widely used in ancient Egypt. The chief buildingsâ€â€tombs and templesâ€â€are characterized by simplicity and solidity. The earliest form of the tomb of which examples remain is the mastaba, an oblong structure of sun-dried brick with a flat roof and sloping exterior walls. From the mastaba developed the pyramids (the tombs of the pharaohs), built during the Old Kingdom. During the Middle Kingdom, the Egyptians cut tombs and temples into rock cliffs along the Nile. The great period of temple building was the New Kingdom, or Empire period. Many temples were built at Karnak and Luxor, near Thebes. All these temples were built on basically the same plan. An avenue of sphinxes led to the pylon, a gateway consisting of two massive walls with sloping sides flanking the entrance. On both sides of the pylon stood obelisks, tall, tapering stone shafts (Munro, 2004). Inside, a roofless colonnaded court led to the covered hypostyle hall, crowded with massive columns that supported the roof. Beyond the hall was the sanctuary. The ancient Egyptians knew the principle of the arch and used it in their homes and secular buildings. Since these structures were made chiefly of sun-dried mud brick, few examples have survived. Archeological excavations show that houses were two or three stories high and often had arched ceilings. Western Asia. The valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers lacked stone and timber; therefore sun-dried and kiln-baked bricks were the chief building materials of ancient Mesopotamia. When used as decorative facing on important buildings, the bricks were glazed in different colors. Ancient Mesopotamian architecture often used the arch. Thick walls were built to support arches and barrel- vaulted roofs. Fortifications, temple complexes, and palaces were built on platforms as protection against the frequent floods. Temples were the chief buildings of the Babylonians. Situated near the center of a city, groups of temples served civic and commercial as well as religious needs. Each temple complex was dominated by a ziggurat, a terraced tower. Ramps or flights of stairs connected the various levels and led to a small shrine at the top. The Biblical Tower of Babel in Babylon was a ziggurat (Squire, 2003). Although the Assyrians also built temples and ziggurats, palaces were their major architectural concern. An elaborate gateway led to the palace, consisting of groups of long, narrow rooms opening on courtyards. Both stone and timber were available in Persia, and both post and lintel and arch construction were used. Large halls with slender columns and great commercial stairways richly decorated with relief sculpture are the characteristic features of Persian architecture. Aegean Architecture. One of the early civilizations that developed around the Aegean Sea was the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete. Houses and palaces, the most important buildings, were built of various materialsâ€â€wood, stone, gypsum, stucco. Post and lintel construction was used. The ruined palace at Knossos (Cnossus) shows the mazelike plan of rooms, courtyards, and staircases that probably gave rise to the legend of the labyrinth (Salvadori, 2002).  A plumbing system brought running water to the palace and the private houses around it. The architecture of the Mycenaean civilization on the mainland of southern Greece differed greatly from that on Crete. It is characterized by the use of stone and the corbelled vault. Palaces and tombs were the chief buildings of architectural interest. The palace usually crowned an acropolis, the high, fortified part of the city. In the lower city, beehive-shaped tombs were cut into the hillsides. These beehive tombs are distinguished by their corbelled domed roofs. C. Classical Architecture Greek Architecture. It was based on the post and lintel principle, and the column is one of its distinguishing features. Colonnades were often used. The Greeks never used the arch in their major buildings, but often used it in inconspicuous places on unimportant structures. Buildings were constructed of marble or coarse stone, such as limestone. The most important Greek buildings were temples that housed statues of gods. Not intended for congregational worship, temples were planned principally for external effect and are marked by dignity and grandeur. The most common type of temple was rectangular and stood on a stepped platform. In the center room, called naos or cella, stood the statue of a god (Caudill, 2001). Occasionally, there was a small room at the entrance of the naos and one at the rear. A single or double row of columns formed the temple’s portico (entrance). In large temples a colonnade, or peristyle, surrounded the naos. Three orders (styles distinguished by the details, proportions, and decoration of a column and entablature) developed in Greek architectureâ€â€the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. The orders were used by the Romans and influenced architecture during the Renaissance and the 19th century. Roman Architecture. It was marked by great feats of engineering. The development of the arch was Rome’s greatest contribution to architecture. With the vault, dome, and roof-truss, the Romans were able to create well-lighted vast interior spaces in their great public baths and in such temples as the Pantheon (Munro, 2004). The Romans united engineering and architectural grace in utilitarian projects, such as aqueducts, as well as in their amphitheaters, basilicas (law courts), and other public buildings. Roman architects often combined the Greek post and lintel style with arched forms, as in the Colosseum in Rome. They adapted the three Greek orders of architecture and added two more of their ownâ€â€the Tuscan, a plainer version of the Doric, and the Composite, a combination of the Corinthian and Ionic. Temples were both circular and rectangular. The rectangular temple stood on a raised platform, or podium. A broad stairway led to a deep portico. The cella was the full width of the building, and much of it was surrounded by a colonnade attached to or built into the wall. In addition to palaces, domestic architecture included the private city house, or domus; the country house, or villa; and apartment houses built in long narrow blocks called insulae. Apartment houses were usually four or five stories high, and often had shops and stores on the first floor. Large windows and balconies were common (Musgrove, 2000). D. The 17th and 18th Centuries Italy. Baroque architecture began in Italy in the early 17th century. A bold, unconventional style, it is characterized by curved lines and elaborate ornamentation. Vast sweeping stairways, broken pediments, and buildings of enormous size planned for dramatic effect are notable features of the Baroque style. Curved forms used both structurally and ornamentally, give Baroque buildings a modeled or sculptured quality. The Italian Baroque movement centered in Rome, where Giovanni Bernini and Francesco Borromini were the leading architects. In his design of St. Peter’s Square, Bernini placed statues on top of the colonnade, producing the broken-silhouette skyline that became characteristics of Baroque style (Musgrove, 2000). France. The 17th century is the great age of French Renaissance architecture. The exteriors of buildings combine the regularity and geometric simplicity of the Italian Renaissance with elements of the Baroque style. The vast size of buildings, broken-silhouette skylines, luxuriant interior decoration, and the planned garden are baroque influences. The east faà §ade of the Louvre and the park faà §ade of Versailles Palace have the common low-pitched roof and balustrade. The Rococo style was popular in the 18th century but, as in Italy, was replaced late in the century by Neoclassicism. Jacques Germain Soufflot’s Pantheon in Paris is typical of late-18th-century architecture (Squire, 2003). England. The architecture of the first quarter of the 17th century, called Jacobean, remained transitional. As in France, there was a reaction against the mingling of Gothic and Renaissance elements. Inigo Jones, with his design of the Banqueting House Whitehall, London, began the movement to a more formal classicism that is termed Palladian. Sir Christopher Wren, influenced by French architecture, introduced Baroque elements. Architecture of the late 17th century is called Stuart. Balance, symmetry, and simplicity of ornament characterize 18th-century architecture. The several trends of that century, including the Baroque and Palladian, are called Georgian. Brisk became a common building material, and brick houses trimmed with white stone and woodwork are popularly called Georgian. Other European Countries. In Germany and Austria, the Baroque and Rococo styles were raised to new heights by J.B. Fischer von Erlach, Balthasar Neumann, and others. Churches and palaces built on a large scale, had profusely decorated interiors and exteriors. In the Rococo phase there was much use of white, gold, blue, and other light colors in the exuberant ornamentation. The Zwinger in Dresden and the Belvedere and Karlskirche in Vienna are characteristics buildings (Squire, 2003). E. Architecture in the 19th Century By the end of the 18th century architects had turned away from the Baroque and Rococo styles. Their desire to find new forms led them to ancient and medieval architectural styles, and the 19th century is often called the age of revivals. Classic Revival.  Neoclassicism in architecture appeared in many forms. Influences of ancient Rome are reflected in the Roman Revival style; those of ancient Greece, in the Greek Revival. In the United States Greek and Roman forms were adapted for banks, state capitols, schools, and other buildings. The Greek Revival style had the widest appeal. Among the numerous examples are Arlington House in Arlington National Cemetery and the Treasury Building in Washington, D.C. (Squire, 2003). Thomas Jefferson is considered the father of the American Classic Revival style. His State Capitol in Richmond is typical of Roman Revival. Other outstanding architects of the period include Charles Bulfinch, Benjamin Latrobe, and Robert Mills. Gothic Revival. Growing out of the Romantic Movement in literature, the Gothic revival began, and attained its greatest importance, in England. The earliest example of Gothic Revival in the United States is Richard Upjohn’s Trinity Church in New York City. Grace Church and St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, both designed by James Renwick, are other examples. After the Civil War the movement became popular in domestic architecture (Caudill, 2001). Gothic revival houses are marked by elaborate ornamental gables and porches. Eclecticism. In the second half of the century architects based their designs on a variety of historical styles including Egyptian, Romanesque, Gothic, Moorish, Byzantine, and Renaissance. This practice of selecting architectural forms and details from a variety of sources came to be called eclecticism. In the United States, architects often combined several styles in a single building. Eclectic architects used modern materials and construction techniques for which the old styles were quite unsuited. As a result, great Roman arches or Doric columns were combined with steel frames in such a way that the ancient detail became mere surface decoration (Caudill, 2001). An example found in many cities is the skyscraper atop a structure that looks like a Greek temple. Other Developments. The introduction of iron, steel, and reinforced concrete in building construction and the development of the elevator had a profound effect on architecture. Throughout the Revival and Eclectic periods, architects and engineers were experimenting with new building materials and construction techniques. The greatest structural advances, however, such as the Roeblings in their Brooklyn Bridge and Gustave Eiffel in his famous tower. F. Twentieth-century Architecture New building materials, new construction techniques, and the problems of an industrialized urban society led to a variety of architectural styles. Many architects continued to design Eclectic buildings. Others created highly original designs in reinforced concrete, steel, and glass. Often emphasis was placed in functionalism, the idea that the design of a building should express and aid its use or function (Musgrove, 2000). Beginnings. Twentieth-century architecture had its roots in the closing quarter of the 19th century. In the United States the structural experiments of Jenney, Dankmar Adler, Louis Sullivan, and other Chicago architects led to the development of the skyscraper. Sullivan, especially, contributed much to skyscraper design. His aim was to let a structure’s function and building materials determine its design. He expressed this view in the phrase â€Å"form follows function†(Musgrove, 2000). IV. Conclusion In conclusion, centuries before the Americas were colonized, many Indian civilizations flourished. In central North America, people built earth mounds for religious purposes. In the southwest the Cliff Dwellers and Pueblo Indians built multi-storied terraced homes. On the other hand, the architecture produced by the followers of Islam influenced both Eastern and Western architectural styles. Although it varied from country to country, mosques and tombs were the most important buildings. Reference: Caudill, W.W., and others (2001). Architecture and You: How to Experience and Enjoy Buildings (Watson-Guptill, 1999). Munro, Roxie (2004). Architects make Zigzags: Looking at Architecture from A to Z (Preservation Press, 1995). Musgrove, John (2000). Sir Banister Fletcher’s A History of World Architecture, 22nd edition (Butterworth’s, 1997). Salvadori, Mario (2002). Structure in Architecture: the Building of Buildings (Prentice-Hall, 1999). Squire, J.C. (2003). A Practical Guide to the Understanding of Architecture (Gloucester Arts Press, 2000).
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